What is YouTube Video SEO? How To Rank YouTube Video?
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YouTube Video SEO in Bangla ? How To Rank YouTube Video in 2021? |
What is YouTube Video SEO?
What is YouTube Video SEO? Before you learn about YouTube video SEO, you need to know about SEO. SEO means search engine optimization. Whose job is to show your online content such as: - website, youtube video or any file in the top ten in search engines, that is, if you search for something, it will show up in the first ten results of that page.
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By search engine we mean search of videos especially from Google search, yahoo search and youtube. For example, when you search for a topic on Google, a lot of content comes up on that topic. But why? There are thousands of content online. Why did the contents of that topic that you searched for come from inside? Any other contact could have come? Then why did only the content of the topic you searched for come up? SEO is one of the reasons.
In the same way, if you use SEO properly on the videos of your YouTube channel, Google or YouTube search means that the search engine will understand your uploaded video better and if someone searches with any word or word related to your video, your video will be the most on YouTube or Google search. Will show first. Even if not at first, it will remain in the top ten list. In this way you will get many visitors in your video for free.
So YouTube Video SEO is a rule or process that, if used properly, will show your uploaded content or videos in the first ten videos or results to show on Google or YouTube search.
Why is SEO important in YouTube videos?
Before uploading a video on YouTube, you must make a video on a topic. But if you search YouTube at least once about the topic or topic you are making videos on, you will see many videos on YouTube that have already been uploaded. Now if there are already a lot of videos on YouTube about the video you made, what does it mean to make your video? Will YouTube show your video to people first in its search results? He already has thousands of videos just like yours. No, never show it! This is called competition.
As a result, if you just make a video and upload it to YouTube, you will never get traffic or visitors to that video. Because thousands of videos have already been uploaded on YouTube on all topics or topics and YouTube will show those videos to the visitors in its search results. Now this is where the knowledge or work of SEO will come in handy.
By doing SEO on your uploaded videos, you can make it clear to the YouTube algorithm that the subject you are making is much better than others or that your video has everything in it. In a word, you can explain the subject matter of your video to the search engines through SEO. Whenever someone does a search on YouTube or Google and if that topic matches or is involved with your video, then YouTube will show your video at the beginning of its search results. That means your video ranking will be better. Because you have already explained to YouTube's algorithm through SEO that your video is on a topic.
If you don't do SEO on YouTube videos, then YouTube's algorithm will never understand what your video is about. When your video should be shown to people. You will never get good views on your video.
So now you may well understand how important YouTube SEO is to a YouTuber.
How to do SEO on YouTube videos?
I will tell you in detail, how to do SEO on YouTube videos, how to rank the videos. Only you keep reading this post from beginning to end. Otherwise, you will not be able to understand how to do YouTube video SEO. Before knowing about it, I would like to say one thing in advance, you must know whether the demand for the subject you are making the video is on the internet or YouTube. Otherwise it will be that you will make a video with difficulty but there will be no one to watch that video. SEO will not benefit you. So always make videos on a topic that visitors do a lot of searching on YouTube.
You can easily find out which topics, keywords or topics are searched more on YouTube, which videos people are searching for more on YouTube or whether people are searching for what you are thinking of making a video using some online tools. One of the tools I use is the keywords Everywhere extension. You can install this extension on your Chrome browser or Firefox browser. Then you can go to Google or YouTube and search by typing your video or topic, you will be able to know about the topic of your video.
This will give you two benefits :
You will find many more words or keywords related to the word or topic you are searching for. You can do good SEO by people who search on YouTube and use those words or keywords in the video.
If you search on a topic on YouTube, you can also see the total number of searches on that topic. As a result, you can easily understand which topic or topic video will benefit you more.
Before doing video SEO, people need to understand how much people on the internet are interested in making a video.
How to rank YouTube videos with SEO?
I have said above that in order to get visitors to your uploaded videos, your video must be at the top of the YouTube search results. When someone searches on a topic, your video will be easily found if it is related and it will increase your visitors. But I also said above that nowadays there will be competition in whatever you make a video on. People will not be able to find your video. Because YouTube already has a lot of videos.
So if you want to bring visitors to your video, the only way to do that is through YouTube video SEO and its proper implementation. I will tell you about the application of SEO below, you will understand well and apply it to your YouTube video. This will rank your video and easily get more views.
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01. Choose a good video topic :
First of all, I would say video topics or about keyword research. Our biggest mistake is that we make videos without doing keyword research. As a result, no one comes to see our video. And come or what? If someone searches, our video does not reach them.
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Keyword research means doing good research on the topic or topic you are making a video on. Are people interested in the keyword or topic you choose? Is there a search on YouTube about what you want to make a video about? You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You need to find out which topic or topic is searched more on YouTube and how many times that keyword is searched per month with the rules I mentioned above. In addition to Google Search, Keyword Tool, .in, Keyword Planner etc using these online free tools you will find many profitable topics or keywords for your videos. This way, if you create videos to find profitable topics, your videos will rank easily and visitors will start coming. Otherwise you will continue to make videos but no one will come to see them. Because people can't find your uploaded videos.
02. Create an interesting thumbnail :
YouTube video thumbnail refers to the first image we see in a video. Thumbnails are very important for ranking a video. Because I'm trying to explain through a story, when someone thinks of getting married, he goes to see the girl first. If you like seeing the girl, then think of marriage.
Similarly, if you don't like the first time your video is shown, that is, if your thumbnail is not visually pleasing, then your chances of clicking on the video are much less.
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So you need to make your video related interesting pause. But remember not to create a pause that is not your video or 18+ etc. This means that you will create a beautiful theme line on the topic on which you will make the video.
03. Video Description and Use of Title Keywords :
Video optimization is very important for SEO and the most important or profitable way of video optimization is to use force keywords in your video description and title. Google or YouTube can understand what your video is about or what the topic of the video is only from your video title and video description.
Your video will rank in Google or YouTube search results on description or title. But currently your video will not be ranked on title or description only. According to YouTube's new algorithm, the video that people will watch more, if someone searches on that topic or topic, then the video will show earlier. However, the first step in ranking a video is to give the title and description correctly.
So if you want your uploaded video to appear at the top of their search results on YouTube or Google, you must first enter the most important keywords or topics in the video in the title and description of your uploaded video.
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Write in such a way that anyone (people) or Google or YouTube can easily understand what is the subject of your video? Use a minimum of 300 to 500 words in the video description when uploading. And put 25 to 30 words in the video title. Use the force keyword two to three times.
Note : - Force keyword means that you are making a video specifically on the subject, for example - if I make a video above YouTube SEO. Then the force keywords can be: -youtube SEO Bangla Tutorial, How to Do YouTube Video SEO, YouTube Video SEO Tips Bangla, and many other keywords that are related to my video and which people search on google or youtube my uploaded video search youtube or google search Shows at first. But do not use more than keywords. Usually write 3 to 4 keywords in the title or description.
04. Use of SEO tags on YouTube videos :
When you upload a video to YouTube, you will be given one more option along with writing the title and description. That option is the video tag box. Video tags This video is very important for ranking in the search of YouTube. Search engines such as Google or YouTube video search engine can understand your video much better. In this, when someone searches for something related to the tag of your video, YouTube shows your video at the beginning of its result page.
So always use SEO tags in your uploaded videos. For example: - You will use tags that are related to your video topic. Using this tag will not only rank your video on YouTube, but also show people your video related video list. This will create an opportunity for more visitors to your video.
05. Change the video file name before uploading :
When we record or make a video, you will see that the video becomes a name at will. Which we call the title. And from what we see, we can understand what this video is about. So before uploading your video on YouTube, you have to rename the video you have created. Surely you know how to rename a video. So by renaming, you will write exactly what you are making the video on.
For example : If you make a video on YouTube Video SEO, you will rename the video you have created and write it, YouTube Video SEO Tutorial Bangla.
06. Making a video with details :
This means that you will create the video with a complete idea about the topic or topic on which you will create the video. So that a visitor can fully understand that by watching your video.
As a result, visitors will be attracted to your videos. But if you can't explain to the visitors exactly what you made the video about, then that visitor will never see your video a second time.
So make the video in detail according to your video topic. The visitor who will watch your video will not be able to watch that video without you.
But if a visitor leaves after watching your video, you will not rank that video. Because YouTube will understand that visitors are not watching this video. Then there is nothing necessary in this video.
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As a result, YouTube will automatically download your video. As a result, your video will never rank. And the more visitors see your video, the more your video will continue to rank.
07. Don't talk unnecessarily in the video :
Think about it, our main purpose is to rank the videos. And for that you need to make the visitors happy by uploading good videos. But you uploaded a video with titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails.
But every time a visitor watches your video, they see that you are talking too much outside the video topic, which is not necessary. Then your visitor will feel annoyed and cut your video. Because there are thousands of videos on YouTube. No one will waste time listening to your unnecessary talk. So never say unnecessary things in the video.
Hope you understand. Hopefully your video will rank very fast if you upload the video properly with these tasks described above. As a result, your videos will get a lot of views.
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