Monday, September 30, 2019

Some of the Android dependent technologies used in everyday life.

 Android accounts for more than half of the current worldwide smartphone and tablet pc operating systems. How over, Android doesn’t stop on smartphone and tablet PCs. There are more technology in the world.
Now,we are talk about some technology that depend on Android. Below are the name of some technology ------

√ = Android Camera :-
Digital cameras are the easiest and most popular media for taking picture. But Nowadays smartphone cameras are very popular for taking picture and sharing them.

√ = Android Clock :-
Handguns were for a time only fashion. But now the handheld is connected to the smartphone and it is used as a remote. Example : receiving phone call, reading text message, controlling volume.

√ = Android coffee Machine :-
The idea of using the mobile operating system as a coffee machine is revolutionary. However, few companies have started working on it. This will allow consumers to easily understand the taste and smell of coffee.

√ = Android Microwave Oven :-
It has created sectortube techno Lab in Kerala, India. It can download and upload recipes from the internet.

√ = Android Media Player :-
Nowadays, smartphones have become a portable media player. So these media players like android touch.

√ = Android Refrigerator :-
Samsung plans to use smart technology in the refrigerator, even though the food is stored. In the mean time, they have built a four-door refrigerator.

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